together we are stronger

Since we pulled the plug, and left Canada back in 2017, we have lived in numerous countries.  In each place, we meet different people, we learn about different cultures, and we explore new and exciting surroundings.

Of course each place has it’s own unique offerings; differnt food, differnt traditions, different ways of life.  Some places we have encountered wealth and prosperity, others we have seen extreme poverty.

As we travel we always look for ways that we can help people.  However, we don’t necessarily go out and try to FIND ways to help, we simply stay alert and present, always taking in our surroundings and assessing each situation.

In each place that we visit, we hope that we are making a good impact on the people and the place that we travel to. We make lasting friendships and offer whatever we can, to help peoples situations.  These actions have sometimes made very small impacts, but we have also now made very big impacts on peoples lives as well.

Our most impactful project to date was that in Kikorongo, Uganda, where we learned that the nearby village to us was quite literally starving.  Extreme droughts brought on by climate change had destroyed their crops, and the devastating economic impacts brought by lack of tourism, due to covid, had destroyed their livelihoods.  We were quite literally witnessing the decline of an entire community.

After learning of the dire situation, we quickly rallied friends and family from around the world to send us money, helping to bring food and fresh water to the village.  We also provided medical care and medicine to those sick, and started teaching them about soil building, composting and permaculture techniques to help their resilience to the changing world.

Through this experience, we realized our purpose.  Suddenly it all made sense why we left Canada all those years ago. We are simply here to help people.

Throughout our experience of working with the villagers, we truly realized that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!  And this became a mantra throughout the project.   We realized that alone, we were just two people that could physically do the work to help, but financially we couldn’t make an impact in their lives.  By reaching out to all of our connections, we really realized that TOGETHER we can surely make a difference!

TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER is not only a metaphor for helping people, it is a truth that needs to be realized in this challenging world.  When humanity comes together, when we work in unison, we really can make a difference in the world!

This page is currently under construction, and more will be added to it soon.  But in the meantime, if you would like to get caught up on our project in Kikorongo, please visit our GOFUNDME page or click the video link below to see first hand how our first day went feeding the villagers!